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Lily Rose Events – One of Cheshire’s leading wedding venue dressers


Lily Rose Events Specialize in Floral Designs and Venue Dressing.

Let us create your perfect dream day by transforming your wedding venue and creating the setting of your dreams, with our innovative flair and imaginative designs.

We will personally design all your floral bouquets and centre pieces to give your day that extra special touch, and your Wedding Venue the ultimate wow factor you are looking for.

​About Us

As one of Cheshire’s leading wedding venue dressers, Lily Rose Events provide a unique service as we can offer you a full range of products.

With over 20 years experience and knowledge and a deep passion for flowers we know just how to create your perfect day.

Our expert venue dressers will give your wedding day the attention to detail it deserves by coordinating every aspect of your chosen theme and colours.

About Us


Our Products

In addition to wedding venue dressing, Lily Rose Events are able to offer you everything from your bridal flowers and buttonholes through to your floral table arrangements and all your ceremony and church displays.

We have a full selection of over 100 colour choices for your chair covers and all other table linen, enabling your wedding theme to match throughout your whole wedding day.

We also design and handmake all your wedding stationery from your wedding invitation to place settings and table plan, there for keeping your chosen wedding theme flowing throughout.

If you require more information, please feel free to contact Lily Rose Events, Cheshire on the details below.

t: 0161 439 7413   e:   m: 07832 367 608

Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall, Cheshire

© 2013 - 2022 lilyroseevents. All rights reserved.


Lily Rose Events - Specialist Venue Dressers in Cheshire

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